
Showing posts from March, 2019

Novel Update #07

I am terribly behind updating my blog. To whoever is reading, I'm so sorry. A lot of things have been happening in my life, none of them related to writing. Thank you for putting up with me, to whoever is still reading this. If no one is reading, then I'm just going to write as how I've always done. I finally finished the draft of Chapter Seven a couple of weeks ago. I'm not happy with it, but I'm not going to go through a grueling process of writing it from scratch. All it takes are a little tweaks here and there. This means a big deal for me because now I am finally passing the one-third mark of my novel and moving into the second act. As I write Chapter Eight now, everything just seems to make sense. I'm happy with the direction that the story is developing and now I'm taking a day off to thoroughly imagine how the rest of the chapter will go. There's a balance between stuffing and trimming that I tread upon and its a delicate process to me. Howev...