Brick Walls Made of Writer's Block

I've spent five days so far writing the first chapter. It's a slow process but I'm trying something new. I read out aloud as I write. This effort will hopefully allow me to write in a more natural way. The sentences in the brain is different than the sentences we speak out loud. While doing so, the process is rather slow. What makes it slower is when you have introduce a new concept that you're bringing to the story.

That's the brick wall I've run into at Chapter One. Since Nora Katahari is a lecturer in moral philosophy, it's a challenge to try and fit existing philosophical terms into a modern fantasy setting in a parallel universe.

It is the struggle to pick a concept like Occam's Razor and revise it to fit the world.

I won't delve too much into it. Rather, I won't delve into it at all. This exchange may not even appear in the final book.

That in mind, I will spend the next few days writing about the important characters the novel revolves around.


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