Novel Update #01

This is the first of my journal entry regarding my progress on The Ethics of Demons. I'm happy. After months being stuck in the slump of writer's block, I've finally finished revising chapter six. I'm now one chapter away from revising Act One in its entirety. Off the top of my head, this has already given me several ideas for upcoming blog posts on my writing process and my daily life as an aspiring novelist.

However, I digress.

There were a lot of things happening in my life that kept me from writing consistently. In fact, one of those things was remembering how vital consistency is. It's not the same for everyone but my ability to write highly depends on momentum. Missing one or two days of writing is fine. A couple of weeks? Months? There'd be no hope. I'm not proud of those times where I would be punching in less than ten words a week. It's a learning process. Everyone has gone through it, is going through it and will go through it, of that I am sure.

Now, writing at least two hours a day, some semblance to my juvenescence have started to shape. At this point, that is more than I can ask for of myself.


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