Novel Update #06

I've been on a roll. Five hundred words an hour, throwing caution to the wind and letting my instincts dictate what happens next. It's great because it's progress. Nevertheless, there's an internal conflict between my editing self and my writing self. Even then, I've come up with a good way to compromise between the two.

To preface the above, this is the kind of reckless writing I used to do when I started writing stories. The only difference is that I was unwilling to be the ruthless editor younger Ma-El needed. This changed somewhere, some time, I don't know when. I became hellbent on perfection, managing a meager ten words a night; ten on a good night, that is. To be completely honest with you, I've only begun getting out of this just a few days ago.

One evening, I decided to say "screw it." I wrote word after word based off what I felt was the natural flow of how the chapter developed instead of trying to engineer the best scene. After that, I highlighted what immediately stuck out to me as a line, a paragraph, what have you, that could be improved upon. Naturally, I'll come back to revise them later but for now, that's still five hundred words I've written.

Writing has been that journey of losing myself, finding myself, and in between the two, molding myself.


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